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"Ibn al-Qasim said that if a Muslim says that Muhammad is not a Prophet or was not sent or that the Qur'an was not revealed to him, he is killed for being a liar. Any Muslim who disbelieves in the Messenger of Allah has the status of an apostate. It is the same with someone who openly declares that he denies the Prophet. He is like an apostate and is called upon to repent. Ibn al-Qasim said something similar about anyone who calls himself a Prophet and says that he has received revelation."
by Aisha
Abdarrahman Bewley
The consensus is that this person is an unbeliever and must be killed. Then one looks to see whether what he said constitutes a clear statement, in which case the judgement is the same as that for apostasy. There is strong disagreement about whether he is asked to repent or not. According to another position, his repentance would not in any case prevent his execution because of what is due to the Prophet, if he in fact disparaged him in his lies. If he conceals what he said, he is judged as a heretic (zindiq). Repentance does not prevent his being executed according to the Malikis as we will clarify. Abu Hanifa and his companions said that it is lawful to kill anyone who declares himself free of Muhammad or calls him a liar. He is an apostate unless he retracts that. Ibn al-Qasim said that if a Muslim says that Muhammad is not a Prophet or was not sent or that the Qur'an was not revealed to him, he is killed for being a liar. Any Muslim who disbelieves in the Messenger of Allah has the status of an apostate. It is the same with someone who openly declares that he denies the Prophet. He is like an apostate and is called upon to repent. Ibn al-Qasim said something similar about anyone who calls himself a Prophet and says that he has received revelation. Sahnun and Ibn al-Qasim said that that is the same whether he makes that claim secretly or openly. Asbagh said that he is the same as an apostate because he has rejected the Book of Allah by forging lies against Allah. Ashab said that any Jew who calls himself a Prophet, claims that he has been sent to people or says that there is a Prophet after our Prophet is asked to repent if he openly declares that. If he repents, he is left. If not, he is killed. This is because he rejects the Prophet who said, "There is no Prophet after me." Therefore he forges lies against Allah in making his claim to the messengership and prophethood. Muhammad ibn Sahnun said, "Anyone who doubts a single letter which Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, brought, is a denying unbeliever." He said that the judgement against anyone who rejects the Prophet is that he is killed. Ahmad ibn Sulayman, Sahnun's companion, said that whoever says that the Prophet was black is killed. The Prophet was not black. Abu 'Uthman al-Haddad said something similar and said that if someone said that the Prophet died before his beard began to grow or that he was in Tahart (Morocco) and not Tihama, he is killed because this constitutes denial. Habib ibn
ar-Rabi' said that it is disbelief to alter his description and its
details. The one who does that openly is an unbeliever. He is asked
to repent. The one who conceals it is a heretic and is killed without
being asked to repent. |